Quality Control Processes

Quality Control in Healty Grains S.A. has been innovating over the years, the analysis and inspection processes range from the cultivation to the end of the process, to ensure the quality of the products for export, emphasizing the approach requested by the client , the management of processes, continuous improvement and organizational well-being.

Physical analysis of debarking Control of weight, humidity, temperature. Selection and separation processes of impure grains. We pay main attention to the granulometric distribution of Flours and ground products.
Microbiological analysis To determine the microbiological quality of the analyzed samples, two parameters are taken into account: the total amount of microorganisms present and the absence of microorganisms with high pathogenic potential. A very high quantity of microorganisms, regardless of the type of microorganisms present, is indicative that the production, conservation or handling process has not been adequate. There are several established limits that determine whether a product is suitable for consumption.
Aflatoxin Analysis Aflatoxin tests are mandatory, at Healthy Grains S.A. We rely on the most comprehensive selection of analytical tools to promote the safety and efficacy of our products. We verify analytical sample preparation, down to high purity solvents, columns and certified reference materials, we have solutions for our high workflow performing terpene, pesticide, mycotoxin and heavy metal analysis, along with potency testing and more.
Neo Pure NEO-PURE ™ It is the only non-thermal and organic pasteurization that keeps food truly raw without any compromise.
NEO-PURE ™ works by combining an organic liquid solution with a system specifically designed for food processing. Provides a validated 5 log (> 99.999%) reduction in harmful pathogens while preserving the natural taste, odor, texture and nutrition of foods.
We emphasize that Healthy Grains S.A. is the only company certified in the country with NEO-PURE ™ technology where we provide the security that all products maintain the organoleptic and nutritional profile of food unaltered. It does not affect shelf life or germination, and prevents the accumulation of mucilage in any of our products.